Monday, September 30, 2024

Leavenworth Invite 9/28/2024

 Leavenworth Invite – 9/28/2024


Course Length – 2.8 miles


General Notes – This is a very hilly course. Lots of ups and downs with a big hill at the start and finish, as well as a long incline in the middle of the loop. Most of the course is dirt or dry grass. The weather during the races was warmer and sunny, with relatively little wind, so it felt quite warm out. There was also a lot of dust in the air. There were 25 schools at the meet (including some Seattle-area schools) so the competition was strong.


In the JV Boys race, there were 109 athletes.

The Varsity Girls team was 5th overall with 155 points. Selah won with 62 points, Omak was 4th with 149, and Ephrata was 6th with 184. There were 159 athletes and 15 teams.

The Varsity Boys team was 12th overall with 304 points. Cascade (Leavenworth) won with 95 points, Cascade (Everett) was 11th with 300, and Davenport was 13th with 307. There were 149 athletes and 20 teams.

Tristan - One mile: 6:18. Two mile: 13:03. Finish: 18:34, 56th place. Average: 6:38. 

Nice job Tristan! I enjoyed seeing you work with Soren and River through the early part of the race. Let’s try to do it again next weekend! You slowed down a bit in the second half of the race, but you did a great job of keeping River in sight. You have a calm confidence to your racing which is fun to watch and shows your experience. I know you really wanted to beat your course PR of 17:50 but you still ran an excellent race especially with the tough conditions (cough cough, dust). It was significantly warmer than last year’s race and three weeks earlier in the season. I’m excited where you are right now at this point in the season and can’t wait to see how you run the rest of the season! 

Brodi - One mile: 6:24. Two mile: 13:12. Finish: 18:53, 71st place. Average: 6:45. 

Awesome job Brodi! I know you didn’t like the hills, but you crushed them. And congrats on being the only person to improve on your time from last year! You ran 11 seconds faster and it was three weeks earlier in the season. This proves you are in a great place fitness-wise and are ready to run fast the rest of the season. Your second mile was slower, but not by too much – we will be doing some workouts to help keep a consistent pace throughout the middle part of the race. I think you are ready for a big race next weekend, don’t be afraid to go out there and compete. Remember to relax your shoulders and stay tall – this will really help you keep an efficient stride. Keep it up! 

Finn D - One mile: 8:34. Two mile: 17:52. Finish: 25:14, 94th place. Average: 9:01. 

Way to go Finn! For how tired and not in the mood to race you were at the start line you had a fast first mile (8:34). That’s an impressive first mile on a course like Leavenworth. You did slow down but that makes sense given your lack of hydration all day and how hot it was. Don’t forget your water bottle next weekend! I was very impressed by your grit on that big hill in the woods during the second lap. There were multiple boys around you that started walking but you just powered all the way up. Remember when you get tired to keep using your arms and driving your knees  – this will help you maintain your speed. Keep up the hard work! 

Liam - One mile: 7:04. Two mile: 14:06. Finish: 19:38, 100th place. Average: 7:01. 

Nice run Liam! I know you enjoy running with Orlo but don’t let that hold you back in races. You should not be looking back in the pack to find each other. If you are running together and he starts falling off the pace, then by all means encourage him to keep up; otherwise worry about your race. I would rather you see racing each other to the finish and leaving it all out there instead of worrying about holding hands as you cross the finish line. That being said you paced yourself nicely – speeding up throughout the whole race. You have a lot of fitness - let’s go out and race hard next weekend!  Remember to relax your shoulders and keep driving your arm and knees – this will help keep an efficient stride especially during the later stages of the race! 

Posey - One mile: 8:48. Two mile: 17:21. Finish: 24:30, 64th place. Average: 8:45. 

Great job Posey! You were able to run very consistently throughout the course, with your first mile and your average pace being right on the  money! In fact, your second mile you really picked it up and pushed through the hills. This was a great workout to build strength and endurance, and you did a great job pushing yourself up and over the hills. Remember to keep your shoulders relaxed and let your arms swing - it really helps you stay fluid while running!

Sisu - One mile: 8:32. Two mile: 16:58. Finish: 23:50, 54th place. Average: 8:31. 

Well done Sisu! You're a very strong runner, and it showed today. You stayed very consistent throughout the course, powering up and over the hills then striding out on the declines. Going out with the pack seems to have paid off, because you got out fast and held on to the pace. You do a great job of driving your knees, especially on the uphills. Then coming down the stretch you kept pushing through the end. So awesome!

Orlo - One mile: 7:04. Two mile: 14:06. Finish: 19:38, 99th place. Average: 7:01. 

Well done Orlo! When I saw you just before the mile mark you were about 10 ft behind Liam, but you did a great job of closing the gap and running with him the rest of the race. You two did a great job of continuing to speed up throughout the course – going faster on each uphill and 10 strides past. While it was cool to see you and Liam finish holding hands, I prefer your race up the hill finish of last year. It looked like it slowed you down and hindered your ability to power up the final strides of the hill. You are in a great spot at this point in the season and are ready to break 20 minutes in the 5k. Remember fast, light feet, especially as you get tired! 

Maren - One mile: 8:32. Two mile: 16:45. Finish: 23:05, 39th place. Average: 8:15. 

Nice run Maren! You found a way to go out hard and then continue to speed up throughout the course - talk about going faster on each uphill! You've always had such a smooth stride, and you transitioned seamlessly from the ups to the downs and vice versa. I think running with Ava will be a really good strategy for both of you, since you work so well together, and it was very cool to see all of you running in a pack early in the race. You have a lot of fitness, and with more experience racing the sky's the limit! 

Crispin - One mile: 7:23. Two mile: 14:44. Finish: 20:28, 20th place. Average: 7:19. 

Well done, Crispin! Unlike at Wenatchee you didn’t go out too fast and were able to speed up throughout the race. Nicely done! You were able to work with Luke through a good part of the race which was great to see, and you both powered up and over the hills. I think starting out with Luke will be a good strategy for next weekend – you proved you work well together, and it helped you start a little more conservative. Every race you are gaining valuable race experience and it’s exciting to watch you figure it all out. Keep up the hard work! 

Alida - One mile: 7:21. Two mile: 15:01. Finish: 21:41, 17th place. Average: 7:45. 

Awesome run Alida! Hills are definitely your forte, and you worked so hard today. Right from the beginning, you looked calm and in control running with Ingrid. Then you hit that long uphill and found your rhythm, pushing up and over every single hill. Your second mile was a bit slower, and we'll keep working on that. It's also true that you had a lot of climbing in the first mile. One thing to remember is to drive your knees, especially as you get tired. Keep up the effort and focus!

Ava - One mile: 8:30. Two mile: 16:34. Finish: 23:08, 42nd place. Average: 8:16. 

Super running Ava! Congratulations on finishing your first high school cross country race! It was a lot of fun seeing you running with your teammates, and you ran a pretty gutsy race. 8:30 was a fast first mile at Leavenworth, then you found a way to speed up for the rest of the race, which is phenomenal! Your bracelet definitely seemed to help you keep your cadence up, because as soon as you thought of it you picked up your feet. I'm really excited to see you run with Maren and Nina!

Elsa - One mile: 8:35. Two mile: 17:23. Finish: 24:43, 70th place. Average: 8:50. 

Well done Elsa! You went out really fast, running with the whole pack through the first mile. Your second mile was definitely slower, but you really didn't drop off all that much - only about 15 seconds. That's pretty impressive given how much work we did this week. We'll be doing some workouts that will really help us keep the pace up, and next weekend should be a lot of fun. Remember to stay tall because that will help you stride out and maintain your speed!

River - One mile: 6:18. Two mile: 12:54. Finish: 18:28, 52nd place. Average: 6:36. 

Nice racing River! That was fun seeing you running with Tristan and Soren, and really putting yourself out there. 6:18 is a fast first mile for this course, but you found a way to hold on and not slow down too much over the rest of the race – less than 20 seconds. You are a very strong runner – which you proved on all those hills. Next weekend I think starting out with Tristan will be a great strategy for both of you and you can pull each other to a great race. This week you really put your head down and worked hard on all the workouts and it showed in this race. Remember to relax your shoulders – you are doing great! 

Madie - One mile: 9:04. Two mile: 18:09. Finish: 25:58, 91st place. Average: 9:16. 

Way to go Madie! You didn't have the benefit of running last weekend, so this was the longest race of your high school career so far! There really is a big difference between 2 miles and 2.8, but you handled it very well, pushing hard through that second mile and holding on for the last segment. I know your legs are still bothering you, but that didn't seem to hold you back too much. Next weekend at Twilight it will be a lot less steep, which means you can really let loose and stride out!

Luke - One mile: 7:23. Two mile: 14:51. Finish: 21:00, 36th place. Average: 7:30. 

Way to go Luke! I enjoyed seeing you work with Crispin for over half of the race – you two were stride for stride as you pushed each other up the hills. Great teamwork! We will keep working on maintaining a consistent pace and not slowing down in the later parts of the race. And it will be easier as your fitness continues to build – keep working hard at practice. I’m excited to see how the rest of your season comes together as you continue to gain race experience! Plus cooler weather won’t hurt either.  

Soren - One mile: 6:18. Two mile: 12:49. Finish: 18:05, 44th place. Average: 6:28. 

Awesome race Soren! You looked more like yourself and confident in this race than I’ve see all season on a very hard course. Let’s take this momentum and build on it for next weekend! It was great to see you working with Tristan and River throughout the race and even better to hear you all say how much fun you had. I think the three of you can continue to work together and push each other going into next weekend. You have shown you are a very strong runner and a savvy racer. Keep putting in the hard work  and it will really pay off in our upcoming races.

Ingrid - One mile: 7:42. Two mile: 16:06. Finish: 22:49, 35th place. Average: 8:09. 

Great job Ingrid! That was a tough run, and you stuck it out. While your second mile was slower, you kept pushing and picked it up for the final section. It's important to remember that we had a really big week of workouts, and that culminated with another hill workout. Last year this race happened three weeks further into the season, so it's hard to compare the times. What we can compare is how hard you worked, which was very hard!

Nina - One mile: 8:32. Two mile: 16:45. Finish: 23:22, 48th place. Average: 8:21. 

Well done Nina! This time around, you ran with Maren for a lot of the race, which was so cool to see! I think you two and Ava can be a great group working together, and I would encourage you to run with Ava again next weekend. You're a super confident runner, and you should be, because you're so consistent, speeding up throughout the course and pushing hard up the hills. You also do a great job keeping a fast turnover. Remember to relax your shoulders - it will really help you down the stretch!

Finn S - One mile: 7:12. Finish: 10:11. Average: 6:47. 

Way to go Finn! For running a time trial on your own, three days into your cross country career, you did really well! What's very impressive about your run is how much you were able to speed up, despite feeling like you went out too fast. That's a really good sign about how your 5k can go next weekend. Keep up the good work this week!

Calvin - 

Way to push yourself for the entire time trial. While we don't have a time for you, we do know that you worked hard for that entire course, running up that final hill no problem! Every day you get stronger and more comfortable, and I can't wait to see what you can do next weekend!

Benji - 

Thanks for coming and taking pictures - it's something I'm personally terrible at and it really helps the team! We have another week to get you feeling up for racing, and I'm very confident that you'll be ready for Twilight. What's been so impressive is that you've managed to stay so supportive of your teammates, and we're so glad that you're a part of this team!

Dexter - 

We definitely missed you this weekend, but it's really exciting that you got to go over to Boise and check out the course. It definitely sounds like it was very hot, and the next time you run there it should be a better cross country day. I'm looking forward to seeing you back with the team this weekend!

Monday, September 23, 2024

Wenatchee Invite - 9/21/2024

 Wenatchee Invite – 9/21/2024


Course Length – 5k


General Notes – The course at Walla Walla Point Park is fairly flat, with some long gradual inclines/declines, a few short rises and falls, and one notable hill right at the finish. The footing is mostly grass, with some short pavement crossings. The weather during the races was in the mid 60's to mid 70s, with lots of sun. It generally warmed during the day, with very little wind throughout.  There were almost 40 schools present, with lots of big Spokane and Yakima area schools showing up. We also had quite a lot of fans travel out to watch us. Thanks to everyone who made the trip down!

Also, quick shoutout to Dexter, Elliot, and Rick for taking photos!


In the 9th Grade JV Boys race, there were 121 athletes.

In the 10th Grade JV Boys race, there were 110 athletes.

The Varsity Girls team was 6th overall with 227 points. Wenatchee won with 47 points, North Central was 5th with 189, and Southridge was 7th with 235. There were 131 athletes and 21 teams.

The Varsity Boys team was 17th overall with 426 points. Central Valley won with 65 points, Marysville-Getchell was 16th with 408, and Toppenish was 18th with 463. There were 170 athletes and 25 teams.

Liam - One mile: 6:38. Two mile: 13:25. Finish: 20:13, 135th place. Average: 6:31. 

Great job Liam! 6:38 for the first mile is no joke, and you backed it up with a 6:47, so you stayed very consistent through the toughest part of the race. This time around was a bit different than at Okanogan, because Orlo was always a few seconds behind you, meaning you didn't always have your running buddy. You still found a way to push, which set you up for a very speedy finish. What's even better is that you felt great the whole way! 20:00 is going to be no problem, given that you ran over a minute faster than last year. You're crushing it!

Calvin - One mile: 10:35. Two mile: 24:45. Finish: 40:00, 110th place. Average: 12:45. 

Nice work Calvin! Congratulations on your first 5k of the year! You did a great job keeping yourself going as it got hard, and it was a lot of fun to see you working with your brother in the final portion of the race. I did some digging, and it looks like last year you didn't race until Twilight, which was a whole 2 weeks further into the season, so you're really off to a great start. Keep pushing yourself a little bit further every single day!

Nina - One mile: 7:22. Two mile: 15:14. Finish: 23:10, 55th place. Average: 7:28. 

Congratulations Nina on your first 5k! You said you like to race longer distances and it showed. Your two mile split was only 6 seconds slower than your time at Sehome. You slowed down a little in the second mile but picked it up and finished strong. Your pace for the last mile was 7:13! I bet with more race experience you will be able to keep a consistent pace throughout the whole race. I noticed as you got tired your shoulders got tight and you weren’t using your arms as much. We will work on that for next time. Your season is off to a great start - I can’t wait to see what you accomplish this year! 

Soren - One mile: 6:03. Two mile: 12:49. Finish: 19:48, 113th place. Average: 6:23. 

Way to work hard Soren! That was definitely a tough race. Your first mile was about the same as at Okanogan, which is great! It looked like you didn't have as much in the tank as you would have liked, which is totally ok, given the amount of work we put in this week. Our goal is to have our best races at the end of the season, not the beginning, so we're going to keep working hard and run through the fatigue a bit. That will pay off in a big way down the road!

Maren - One mile: 7:23. Two mile: 15:07. Finish: 22:39, 40th place. Average: 7:18. 

Incredible race Maren! Or in your words “Not bad”. And congrats on your first 5k. I don’t think you understand what a great job you did. You looked like an experienced racer - being patient during the first mile and then started reeling people in as you slowly worked your way up. You kept a consistent pace the first two miles and then put on the jets for a strong surge to the finish catching up to your teammates. Every time I saw you, you were relaxed and . Let’s work on keeping your eyes up and think about going out with Ingrid and Alida next time. You proved you are able to run with them.  Way to go! 

Dexter - One mile: 4:55. Two mile: 10:18. Finish: 15:49, 1st place. Average: 5:06. 

Great job Dexter! Your average today was basically just as fast as your opening mile on Tuesday, despite the fact that you still ran the entire race by yourself (after the first 800 at least). You are definitely an incredibly consistent runner from one race to the next, and the fact that you're able to keep performing at this level is phenomenal. Your second mile was a bit slower, however with some more competition I know you'll be able to keep up the pace through the middle part of the race. Good luck in Boise next weekend!

Ingrid - One mile: 7:09. Two mile: 14:54. Finish: 22:35, 38th place. Average: 7:17. 

Wow! Ingrid that was such a great race. I’m so happy your leg is getting better and you accomplished your goal to ‘feel good’ during the race. It was so fun to see you and Alida working well together. You slowed down a little in the second mile so that’s something we can work on and for the next race. You ran over two minutes faster than last year at Wenatchee and were only 10 seconds off your 5k PR. That’s incredible! You are in a great place for the rest of the season. The sky is the limit! 

River - One mile: 6:15. Two mile: 13:02. Finish: 19:50, 11th place. Average: 6:24. 

Congratulations on your first HS race! You got out fast and did a great job staying connected to that front pack. So close to top 10! You did slow down during the second mile which I always think is the hardest mile of the race. I bet with a few more weeks of training and workouts you will have more in the tank to race the middle part and stay consistent the whole race. This is a great starting place for the season. Keep it up!

Orlo - One mile: 6:40. Two mile: 13:29. Finish: 20:08, 127th place. Average: 6:30. 

Well run Orlo! That's three really solid races in a row for you, and each one is even more impressive than the last. Your first two miles were 6:40 and 6:49, so you stayed very consistent in the middle of the race, then you absolutely turned it on for the finish, running about a 6:00 pace for the final 1.1 miles. That set you up for a nice PR and a run that was over 3.5 minutes faster than last year. What was really great to see is that you never lost contact with Liam, even though you were just a bit behind him for most of the race. Both of you are going to blow by the 20:00 mark soon!

Crispin - One mile: 6:25. Two mile: 13:40. Finish: 21:06, 29th place. Average: 6:48. 

Nice job Crispin! That was a gutsy race. You went out hard in the first mile and you knew it. Even though might have paid for it in the second half of the race you stayed calm and hung in there. That’s valuable racing experience and you never know if you don’t try. You ran over a minute and a half faster than Tuesday - that’s awesome! Keep working hard and your times will keep dropping. Keep it up!  

Elsa - One mile: 7:25. Two mile: 15:41. Finish: 24:03, 75th place. Average: 7:45. 

Great job Elsa! I know you were worried about being on varsity and having your place matter for the team, but you crushed it! What an impressive first 5k. You went out fast the first mile but you dug deep and hung in there to finish strong. I think with a slightly more conservative first mile you will be able to keep a consistent pace throughout the whole race. Plus, once we have our full team back racing you will have more teammates to run and pace with. This is just a starting point and as we progress through the season, I’m sure you will keep improving on this PR. Keep up the awesome work! 

Alida - One mile: 7:09. Two mile: 14:54. Finish: 22:37, 39th place. Average: 7:18. 

Amazing race, Alida! That was such a fun race to watch! A PR in your first 5k of the season?! You are ready to run fast this season. You and Ingrid worked well together the whole race and I loved watching you two pass people so decisively. You did a great job of staying calm and running strong. We will work on getting the middle mile a little faster and keeping a consistent pace the whole race. But, you really picked it up the last mile and finished strong. Next week you get to crush some hills at your favorite course, Leavenworth. Keep up the great work! 

Finn - One mile: 7:36. Two mile: 16:06. Finish: 24:36, 86th place. Average: 7:56. 

Great run Finn! Today you looked much more like yourself, which was very exciting to see. I can tell that Tuesday was just a fluke, and you have very quickly returned to form. You got out pretty quick to the mile mark, striding through the long stretch along the river. You did slow down a bit for the second mile, but you dug deep and kept pushing through. Plus, you were about a minute faster than last year! You're off to a great start on the season, and with some more work you'll be able to bring your second mile down quite a lot. Keep going!

Sam - One mile: 6:15. Two mile: 13:05. Finish: 19:53, 120th place. Average: 6:25. 

Well done Sam! You got out very fast, and you held on to the mile. Having Soren to chase probably helped you, especially during the second mile. You did slow down a bit, but you really kept battling with your pack. You did a great job keeping your eyes forward and staying in control during the middle of the race, and then you turned it on for the finish, ending up just a bit shy of your PR but still almost a minute faster than last year at Wenatchee. That's great! You have some gains in the middle of the race that we will work on. Keep running with your pack!

Tristan - One mile: 6:02. Two mile: 12:32. Finish: 19:05, 84th place. Average: 6:09.

Wow! Tristan, that was a phenomenal race this weekend. I could tell at the halfway mark that you were going to do something big, because you were fast and you looked calm, and a 13 second PR is definitely something big. Plus, you were over 1:30 faster than last year at Wenatchee. 6:02 is an excellent first mile (definitely faster than at Okanogan), and you did a good job running through the second mile. You definitely have some gains to make in the middle mile, because you really picked it up to the finish, and that's something we'll build on over the rest of the season. I'm so excited to see what you can do!


Elliot, Holden, & Benji - 

Thank you all for coming along and supporting our team! Taking pictures, splits, and cheering are all very important parts of our program, and you performed admirably. It's definitely a bummer that you all weren't quite up for racing, but trust me, we would rather have all of you at the end of the season. It can be frustrating to not run due to injury, sickness, etc., but it's better to miss one race than an entire season. I hope you all had fun getting to run around and feel the atmosphere! Plus, Chipotle and froyo are always a nice treat.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Gear Up Northwest Preview - 9/14/2024

Course Length – 2 miles


General Notes – This is a course where part of the race is flat (grass and track) and the other is rolling hills on a gravel path. Despite the large field and lots of spectators, the back section is fairly quiet and secluded. The weather during the races was in the low to mid 60s, with rain off and on (mostly off, but definitely on during the 9th Grade Girls and 12th Grade Boys races), so really good for running! There were lots of schools at the meet, especially from the West side. Everyone ran really well in our first meet of the season!

Quick shoutout to Elliot and Dexter for helping the coaches take pictures! I'm personally terrible at that, so you really came through in a big way!


In the JV Boys 1 Race, there were 158 competitors. 

In the 9th Grade Girls Race, there were 172 competitors. Liberty Bell was 7th out of 14 scoring teams.

In the 9th Grade Boys Race, there were 150 competitors.

In the 10th Grade Girls Race, there were 173 competitors.

In the 10th Grade Boys Race, there were 169 competitors.

In the 12th Grade Boys Race, there were 139 competitors.

For the merged team scores, Sehome uses the McDowell scoring system, wherein a team's score is calculated by adding the top finisher in each class race plus the next two best finishers in any race. Neither of our teams had a runner in every class race, so it isn't exactly clear how our team scores were calculated, however, they are as follows:

Girls Team: 684 points, 25th out of 36

Boys Team: 839 points, 31st out of 44

Soren – One mile: 5:47. Finish: 11:49, 24th place. Average: 5:55.

What a strong race Soren! That was a very impressive performance for only having one week of practice. Let’s build on this going into the rest of the season. Next week you will have more teammates to key off of and work with. I can’t wait to see what you can do with a little more training.

Calvin – One mile: 10:59. Finish: 23:21, 154th place. Average: 11:41.

Great job Calvin! You stayed very consistent and pushed yourself the entire time. Your first mile especially was really great!You're really starting the season off in a good place, and you're way ahead of where you were last year at this point. Keep working hard!

Sam – One mile: 6:07. Finish: 12:25, 84th place. Average: 6:13.

Excellent running Sam! You got out pretty fast, but you were able to maintain your speed well through the second mile. You definitely fit right in with the pack, and you were consistently moving up throughout the race. By the way, you had some awesome passes using the inside of the corner. Way to use the course to your advantage!

Luke – One mile: 6:38. Finish: 13:47, 112th place. Average: 6:54.

Good job Luke! You got out quick in the first mile and were able to hang tough the second lap. For only having a week of training under your belt you did fantastic! It’s a great starting place and I’m excited to see where you are in a few weeks after some more training and workouts.  

Crispin – One mile: 6:55. Finish: 13:43, 108th place. Average: 6:52.

Nicely paced race Crispin! Great job not getting sucked along too quickly in the first mile. The conservative start really paid off as you were able to reel in and pass lots of people the second lap. A great start to the season - keep it up going into next week and your first 5k!

Bhavana – One mile: 8:42. Finish: 18:03, 139th place. Average: 9:02.

Great job Bhavana! You looked calm and in control the whole race. Your average pace for two miles was faster than almost all of your races from last year. That’s awesome - what a great place to start the season! We will keep working on getting your hip healthy. Keep up the good work!

Finn – One mile: 7:45. Finish: 15:39, 68th place. Average: 7:50.

Well done Finn! Way to start our team off! You stayed calm and consistent throughout the race, maintaining your pace very well through the second mile, even as the field started to spread out. You're in a very good place this early in the season, with lots of time to continue growing. I was really impressed with how well you picked up coming through the track sections, using the course features to find your stride. Keep going!

Dexter – One mile: 4:54. Finish: 10:08, 6th place. Average: 5:04.

Way to hang tough Dexter! It may not have been your ideal race, but you got out fast and worked hard despite facing some disruptions to your rhythm. It was definitely a fast field, which gave you lots of people to race with. And what's even more impressive is you improved your time by 18 seconds from two years ago, so you're clearly coming into the season ready to go. I'm very excited to see what you can do this year!

Ingrid – One mile: 7:03. Finish: 14:46, 47th place. Average: 7:23.

You did so well Ingrid! A fast start put you right there with the field, and I know you would have held on if your leg hadn't acted up. Even so, you ran a strong second mile and finished with everything you had at the end. Despite not quite having the second half you would have wanted, you still turned in a really impressive time, and you're way ahead of where you were at this point last year. The sky's the limit!

Brodi – One mile: 5:58. Finish: 12:28, 101st place. Average: 6:14.

Great race Brodi! That was definitely a fast start, but you and Tristan kept working hard through the second mile and kicked it in down the stretch. Plus, you beat your time goal! You and Tristan ran really well together, helping each other along as it got tough. Who knows, maybe the rain helped? And right now you're way ahead of where you were last year, so I'm very excited to see what you can do this season!

Nina – One mile: 7:29. Finish: 15:08, 50th place. Average: 7:34.

Awesome first race Nina! You paced yourself nicely and were able to run a very consistent race. You put yourself in a great place the first mile and were able to move up and pass tons of people in the second half of the race. I couldn’t even tell you were battling injuries and a cold all week. You are a tough competitor! Let’s get you healthy and see what you can accomplish this season. Keep it up! 

Elsa – One mile: 7:29. Finish: 15:41, 67th place. Average: 7:51.

Great race Elsa! Racing with teammates is always fun - like last year it was great to see you running and working with Sisu through the first mile. This was a great start to your season and your first HS race! Next race think about starting a little more conservative and finding your pace early on. Keep working hard and you are going to have a great season! 

Liam – One mile: 6:23. Finish: 12:59, 116th place. Average: 6:30.

Very well run Liam! That was a quick opening mile, and you found a way to hang on during the second mile. You're a very strong runner! It was especially impressive the way you and Orlo found a whole new gear to finish the race together. I would say you're definitely ahead of where you were at this point last year, and with lots of time left, I can't wait to see what you can do!

Maren – One mile: 7:11. Finish: 14:23, 35th place. Average: 7:12.

Excellent race Maren! You did a great job at finding your pace early and settling in - your average pace and your mile time are very similar. You ran smart and composed like an experienced racer. I was very impressed seeing you pass a big pack of runners with 300 meters to go and push all the way to the finish. Keep up the good work - I can’t wait to see what you accomplish this season!

Posey – One mile: 7:24. Finish: 15:27, 59th place. Average: 7:44.

What a strong race Posey! That was a fast first mile but you stayed tough and held on during the second mile. Nice job using your arms and staying strong all the way to the finish. And it was great to hear how good you felt during the race! Next week let’s try to start a little more conservative and settle into a good pace early on. I’m very happy with where you are at this point in the season. Good job!

Alida – One mile: 6:49. Finish: 14:08, 32nd place. Average: 7:04.

What a race Alida! You went out pretty fast, but you found a way to hang on during the second half. I know you really wanted to break 14:00, and I think that is absolutely doable for you. What's even more exciting is that, right now, you're basically where you left off last season. Another year of gaining confidence in your running is going to be so fun to watch!

Elliot – One mile: 8:28. Finish: 17:01, 102nd place. Average: 8:31.

Nice job Elliot! Way to start off your season! You stayed calm and ran your race - I even caught you smiling during the race. You are in a good place for the rest of the season - I’m excited to see your first 5k next week. You are going to do great things this season!

Tristan – One mile: 5:58. Finish: 12:30, 103rd place. Average: 6:15.

As always, Tristan, great run! You're such a consistent runner, which is definitely your strong suit. The opening mile didn't slow you down much, and you found a way to hit your time goal! You and Brodi dug deep to close out the race, pushing all the way through the line after coming out of the trees. And get this: you were a whole 1:20 faster than two years ago, and you were 15 seconds faster per mile than last year at Ellensburg, so you are in a really good place at the start of this season! Keep up the good work!

Sisu – One mile: 7:29. Finish: 15:37, 65th place. Average: 7:49.

Way to go Sisu! It was great to see you running with Elsa and Nina through the mile. Racing with teammates is always fun. I would say you are ahead of where you were at this point in the season last year - you ran a similar pace at your first meet last year on a shorter course. There’s lots of time left this season and I’m excited to see what you are going to do! 

Orlo – One mile: 6:35. Finish: 13:00, 117th place. Average: 6:30.

Wow! Orlo, that was an exceptional run. A somewhat conservative start really seemed to pay off when you dropped the hammer on the second mile. Letting it roll on the downhills and working hard on the uphills set you up for a phenomenal finish as you continued working towards Liam. Then as soon as you two met up it was like a whole new race, and you both just took off! This is a great place to start the season, and now we know what you're capable of!

Madie – One mile: 7:59. Finish: 15:51, 73rd place. Average: 7:56.

Awesome race Madie! You ran such a smart race by showing patience in the first mile then picking people off and moving up the field the second mile. You looked strong on the hills and all the way through the finish. This was a great start to the season and I can’t wait to see what you will accomplish this year!


Ava –

Thank you for joining us Ava! It was great to have the entire team there, and it was a lot of fun seeing you support your classmates. Plus you were always there to congratulate people after their race, and you even snuck in a little cool-down run. Now that you've experienced a high school meet, I hope you feel more confident and prepared for your first 5k!