Friday, June 25, 2021

6/26/21 SATURDAY RUN at Sun Mt. (Chickadee Trailhead) - 8AM

Hi all,

SUPER hot this next week - too hot really for June - but we DO still want to keep building into that summer running routine.

If you'd like to beat the heat and have some company on a run tomorrow (Saturday 6/26) meet us at 8am at the Chickadee Trailhead at Sun Mountain. We'll stretch a bit and go for a run. Based on how you feel, we'd love to see 40-60+ minutes or somewhere in the ballpark of 4-8 miles.

We will try to jump in the lake near the end of the run :)

Practice should be done 9:15-9:30.

See you there. Let's go for a run!


Erik & Sarah