Monday, July 29, 2019

SAT Test Dates!

Today's post is of primary concern to Seniors and perhaps a Junior or two:

Traditionally, LBHS has hosted an SAT test date on the first Saturday in October -- in this case, Oct. 5th, 2019.

Traditionally, that has also conflicted with the Leavenworth XC meet -- and it is of course always fine to miss a meet for something like college preparatory exams.

That being said, because of the later State meet race date, this year's SAT conflicts with the extra fun and always exciting TWILIGHT meet in Marysville.

For that reason (and thinking that it may benefit a number of other LBHS fall athletes as well) we have asked the school to host a second SAT test date on the slightly later November 2nd... and it looks like they are!

Our District meet will be several days earlier, and this will be a Saturday with no competition right before the week of State. With that in mind, the 2019 SAT testing dates at LBHS are:

Saturday 10.5.19 (register by 9.6.19) and,
Saturday 11.2.19 (register by 10.3.19)

Happy summer :)