Thursday, October 17, 2024

Liberty Bell Invite - 10/12/2024

 Liberty Bell Invite – 10/12/2024


Course Length – 5k


General Notes – Our home course is always fun, with lots of open fields to see the competition. The terrain is fairly flat, but the footing means the course isn't particularly fast. The weather during the races was in the high 60s to low 70s with lots of sun and no wind. This was a small meet with 6 high schools present.


The Boys team won with 30 points. Garden City was 2nd with 40 points. There were 41 athletes and 4 teams.

The Girls team won with 26 points. Republic was 2nd with 32 points. There were 15 athletes and 2 teams.

Dexter - One mile: 4:45. Two mile: 10:09. Finish: 15:55, 1st place. Average: 5:08.

Well done Dexter! You looked strong, smooth, and fast the entire race. It’s tough to run a race completely by yourself but you handled it like a pro. Your pace dropped off in the second mile which is understandable for our course but then you picked it back up to finish strong. Way to stay tough! With a few more weeks of training, cooler weather, and more competition you will be ready to rip some fast times at our upcoming races. 

Orlo - One mile: 6:22. Two mile: 13:09. Finish: 19:53, 14th place. Average: 6:25.

Awesome job Orlo! And what a fantastic kick! You did a great job this race at keeping a consistent pace and not getting pulled out too fast in the first mile. Since you had so much left in the tank for your kick let’s try and start picking it up earlier - maybe over the last mile. You have been crushing the workouts and I’m excited to see how this plays out in our upcoming races! 

Sisu - One mile: 7:16. Two mile: 15:56. Finish: 25:10, 10th place. Average: 8:07.

Great job Sisu! That was a tough race, and despite going out really fast, you set a brand new PR! Congratulations! Running just behind Nina and Elsa likely helped pull you along, which was a lot of fun to see. You also did a great job powering up the short hills on our course, which is definitely a strength of yours. Then you had a great finishing kick down the field. When you stay relaxed, you have a great stride and you can churn through the course. Keep it up!

Nina - One mile: 7:12. Two mile: 15:16. Finish: 23:47, 7th place. Average: 7:40.

Well run Nina! Despite the fact that you were feeling sick and you ran most of the race by yourself, you were still only 1 second slower than at Twilight. That's really impressive on this course! You went out really fast, which meant you had to dig deep to hold on in the second mile. Your middle mile was definitely slower, but that's ok, since we're still finding our pacing. With some more experience that will come easier. Still, you stuck it out and ran hard through the finish, which is always a great plus!

Ava - One mile: 7:04. Two mile: 15:09. Finish: 23:34, 6th place. Average: 7:36.

Nice running Ava! You now have two 5k's under your belt, so I hope it's feeling a bit more manageable. One thing we're going to try to do is slow the first mile down quite a bit - that will help you feel good when you get to the halfway point so that you can really work through the two mile. You're a very strong runner, particularly on hills, and this course doesn't have a whole lot of hills. Still, you kept your cadence up pretty well with those fast feet. Nice job!

Liam - One mile: 6:22. Two mile: 13:09. Finish: 20:04, 16th place. Average: 6:28.

Great race Liam! You were one of the few to not get pulled out too fast in the first mile - nice job! You slowed down a little bit in the second mile but then picked it back up and your last mile was your fastest. That’s hard to do. You ran over a minute faster than last year at our home meet and almost broke 20 again! You have been working hard and crushing the workouts, keep it up! You are ready to run fast in our upcoming races. 

Tristan - One mile: 5:44. Two mile: 12:43. Finish: 19:53, 15th place. Average: 6:25.

Way to stay tough Tristan! Now just shake this race off and learn from it. I know you were upset with how the race went but there were still a lot of positives to take away from this race: you still ran sub-20, you learned how fast is too fast for your first mile, and how to hang tough when a race isn’t going your way. We are going to work on locking in to goal pace. I think going out around 10 seconds slower your first mile will set you up for a great race. Your workouts show you are in a great place and ready to crush the rest of the season! Let’s go! 

Crispin - One mile: 6:26. Two mile: 13:38. Finish: 21:14, 23rd place. Average: 6:51.

Nice job Crispin! You went out really fast, actually the same opening mile as Wenatchee, which meant you had to dig deep to hold on the rest of the race. Unlike at Wenatchee you didn’t panic and looked smooth the whole race. We are going to try and slow the first mile down similar to your Twilight race so you can really attack the second half of the race. This year is all about learning how to race the 5k distance and you are doing great. Keep up the hard work! 

Bhavana - One mile: 8:57. Two mile: 19:12. Finish: 31:42, 14th place. Average: 10:14.

Way to go Bhavana! You went out at a great pace, and you were actually 20 seconds ahead of Twilight at the two mile. That's great! I think the volume from the week got to you, and that's ok! We were training through this race anyways. You were still able to keep your time pretty close to Twilight despite not getting that nice long downhill in the last mile. That's really impressive, since the last mile on our course isn't super fast! Great job!

Madie - One mile: 8:06. Two mile: 17:59. Finish: 27:46, 12th place. Average: 8:57.

Great job Madie! That was a tough one, but you hung on despite going out fairly quick (but not too quick). I think that's actually a good pace for you to run your first mile in, and with some more tempo runs the second mile will feel quite a lot easier. The only real difference between this week and Twilight was your second mile, which was quite a bit slower this week, and that's ok. You really didn't have anyone to run with most of the race. Still, you kept pushing yourself and you now have two 5k's finished! Congratulations!

River - One mile: 5:52. Two mile: 12:56. Finish: 20:36, 19th place. Average: 6:39.

Well done River! It was a tough race, and despite not feeling 100%, you dug deep and showed how tough you are.  You ran a fast first mile, similar to Twilight, which I think caught up to you in the second half of the course. But that’s ok this first year is supposed to be about learning the 5k and figuring out pacing. You are a strong runner and all your hard work will continue to pay off as we head into our final races. Keep it up!

Ingrid - One mile: 6:30. Two mile: 14:29. Finish: 22:41, 2nd place. Average: 7:19.

Strong racing Ingrid! You got out very fast, and that definitely didn't help you in the second mile. That's ok! Our course has a quick first mile, and we have lots of time to keep working on our pacing. Regardless, you still hung strong and despite running most of the race by yourself, you ended up very close to your Wenatchee time, which is really impressive! You did a great job pushing yourself, and with more gas in the tank I know you can have a great race!

Finn D - One mile: 7:10. Two mile: 15:46. Finish: 24:33, 33rd place. Average: 7:55.

Well done Finn! A nice season’s best and over almost two minutes faster than last year at our home meet. You were flying that first mile which definitely hurt you a bit during the rest of the race. That’s ok though! Our course’s first mile is relatively quick, and we will keep working on pacing. It also doesn’t help that you ended up running most of the race by yourself which is very tough to do. You did a great job pushing yourself, and with more consistent pacing I know you can run a PR!

Calvin - One mile: 11:46. Two mile: 25:58. Finish: 40:30, 40th place. Average: 13:04.

Great job Calvin! Your first mile was about a minute and a half slower than Twilight but were only 30 seconds different at the two mile – this means you did a better job at keeping a consistent pace. Nice job! Our course isn’t super-fast so to be within a minute of all your other 5k’s this year is awesome. You are battling shin splints and yet you still managed to run faster than you did last year at the home meet. Your endurance is improving every week, and with a few races left I know you will continue to improve!

Brodi - One mile: 5:36. Two mile: 11:52. Finish: 18:44, 6th place. Average: 6:03.

Nice job Brodi! That was a very fast first mile, but you did a great job of hanging on to that pack. It was fun to see your competitive spirit, and you got a taste of racing a 5k and not just running your pace. Even though you slowed down quite a bit you dug deep and pulled off another sub-19 minute performance. We are going to work on locking into goal pace – I think going out about 10 seconds slower in the first mile will put you in a great position to attack the second half of the race. You are having a breakout season – let’s continue this fast streak heading into Districts and State!

Elsa - One mile: 7:12. Two mile: 15:41. Finish: 24:27, 9th place. Average: 7:53.

Great running Elsa! You went out fast - probably about 20 seconds ahead of where you want to be, but that's ok! That's what your first year is supposed to be about! You're definitely making big progress in practice, which we can tell by how you've been absolutely crushing the workouts. With a bit of patience, that will also start to show in your races. I'm really excited to see you have your breakout race coming up!

Finn S - One mile: 6:20. Two mile: 13:19. Finish: 20:53, 20th place. Average: 6:44.

Great job Finn! You ran within 5 seconds of your PR on a harder course, in warmer weather, and after being sick all week. That’s incredible! I think with a few more races and better conditions you will easily PR and break the 20 minute barrier. Remember to stay tall and keep your arms relaxed when you get tired in the second half of races - this will help you run smoother and efficiently. Keep up the hard work! 

Luke - One mile: 6:26. Two mile: 13:58. Finish: 21:56, 25th place. Average: 7:05.

Way to go Luke! You have raced two 5k’s now, so hopefully you are starting to get a hang of the distance. You and Crispin went out very fast the first mile (~25 seconds faster than Twilight) which I think hurt you a bit in the middle mile. The middle mile of a 5k is usually the hardest. You did a great job of staying tough and you picked the pace back up for the last mile. I think going out a little slower in the first mile will set you up to feel great the second half of the race. With some more experience, finding your pace will get easier. Keep it up!

Holden - One mile: 6:08. Two mile: 12:20. Finish: 18:18, 4th place. Average: 5:54.

Wow, great race Holden! You ran this race perfectly. You did a nice job of being patient in the beginning and running a consistent pace the first two miles, then you really dropped the hammer the last mile. I think starting out conservatively and speeding up throughout the race is a smart strategy for you to keep doing in the future races - plus passing people at the end of races is more fun. I know it was a frustrating first half of the season but you are back on track now and I’m excited to see you race again! 

Soren - One mile: 5:41. Two mile: 12:03. Finish: 18:33, 5th place. Average: 5:59.

Great PR Soren! Congrats! That was your third 5k of the season and every race you look like you are getting more comfortable with the distance. Like most people your first mile was probably a little too fast as you slowed down quite a bit in the middle mile. That’s ok – we are going to continue working on pacing and the longer tempo workouts will really help. It was fun to see you working with Brodi and Tristan during this race, and you looked strong and smooth throughout the race. I think you, Brodi, Tristan, and River could work together and make a good pack in our next races. Nice work!

Alida - One mile: 6:40. Two mile: 14:48. Finish: 22:51, 3rd place. Average: 7:22.

Way to hang tough Alida! That was a quick first mile, and that set you up to be pretty tired in the second mile, which definitely dropped off a bit. That's ok - we had been training hard this week and the first mile of our course is deceptively fast. I think you and Ingrid will want to go out somewhere around 7:00 for the first mile which will set you up to work together and move through the field in the later portion of the race. These small meets are hard though because you don't have someone right in front of you to look at, but that will change as we keep progressing. You're rocking it!

Benji, Posey, Elliot - 

Thanks for coming and supporting the team! You all weren't able to run for various reasons, but that didn't stop you from being great teammates, cheering people on, taking pictures, and generally being awesome! You rock!