Friday, October 11, 2024

Twilight Invite - 10/5/2024

 Twilight Invite – 10/5/2024


Course Length – 5k


General Notes – The course at Cedarcrest Golf Course is a combination of long straightaways interspersed with steep hills. There is one long climb, with two long descents, and the finish is lower than the start. The footing is mostly grass, with some short pavement crossings. The weather during the races was in the high 50s to low 60s. There was very little wind, and the temperature gradually dropped over the afternoon.  There were almost 100 schools present. Even in the 1B-2A category, there were about 40 schools.

A big thank you to Anne and Benji for taking photos!


The 9th/10th Grade JV Boys team was 58th overall with 1658 points. There were 544 athletes and 66 teams.

In the 9th/10th Grade JV Girls race, there were 309 athletes.

In the 11th/12th Grade JV Boys race, there were 452 athletes.

The Varsity Girls team was 19th overall with 488 points. Sehome won with 33 points, Royal was 18th with 435, and Washington was 20th with 496. There were 213 athletes and 27 teams.

The Varsity Boys team was 19th overall with 577 points. Sehome won with 41 points, Naches Valley was 18th with 557, and East Jefferson was 20th with 578. There were 170 athletes and 25 teams.

Alida - One mile: 7:07. Two mile: 14:14. Finish: 21:57, 70th place. Average: 7:05.

Wow - a 40 second PR and a minute faster than last year at Twilight! On top of that you ran even splits!! That was incredible - congrats! You executed your race plan nicely by starting out slightly behind Ingrid, moving up to work with her through the middle mile, then hammering the last mile. You looked strong and in control throughout the last 400m in the race - this shows me you are ready to run even faster. You have been putting in lots of hard work week after week and it really shows. I’ve enjoyed watching you gain confidence in your racing this season. Keep up the hard work! 

Sam - One mile: 6:08. Two mile: 12:37. Finish: 19:34, 183rd place. Average: 6:19.

Great job Sam! That was a tough race, and you definitely weren't feeling 100%, yet you still found a way to have a solid PR. You went out a little fast, which probably meant you were a bit more tired for the hills. But you still have a very solid final 1.1 miles, getting back up to your average pace on the downhills and pushing hard to the finish. It would be great to see what you can do if you hold back a bit off of the starting line, running with Orlo and Liam for the first portion of the race. You definitely have more PRs coming!

Ava - One mile: 7:17. Two mile: 14:45. Finish: 23:02, 113th place. Average: 7:26.

Awesome first 5k Ava! You went out in a speedy 7:17 first mile, but only slowed a little over the uphill second mile then you were able to dig deep and hold that pace through the finish. You did a great job remembering quick feet - or making a quick adjustment every time one of us reminded you during the race. We will keep working on quick feet and staying tall which will really help as we get tired in the second half of races. Keep up the hard work!! 

Elsa - One mile: 7:36. Two mile: 15:30. Finish: 24:27, 151st place. Average: 7:50.

Great race Elsa! I enjoyed watching you work with your teammates through the crazy first mile. You did end up slowing throughout the rest of the race but it can be hard to find your footing in such big races. Shake it off! You did a better job at staying tall throughout the race - nice job! Remember to keep your shoulders and arms relaxed - this combined with staying tall will really help you stay fluid and run more efficiently. 

Calvin - One mile: 10:17. Two mile: 25:30. Finish: 39:37, 543rd place. Average: 12:47.

Way to go Calvin! You went out pretty fast - faster than Wenatchee in fact - and you closed very well. Your final 1.1 miles was right on your average pace of 12:47. That's very impressive! What was also great to see is how much you ran during the middle mile of the race. It was a bit slower, but that is to be expected when it has the vast majority of the climbing involved. Every single day you are improving, and with a few weeks left, I know you will continue to improve!

Posey - One mile: 7:40. Two mile: 16:30. Finish: 26:24, 194th place. Average: 8:31.

Great job Posey! Way to push through the pain and finish the race - that takes strength and perseverance. You started the race knowing you weren’t 100% healthy and still ran as hard as you could. You should be proud of that! I know you are anxious to run but be patient. Let’s get your hip figured out this week and get you on the path to healthy, pain-free running. You are poised for a breakthrough heading into the second half of the season. 

Bhavana - One mile: 9:05. Two mile: 19:33. Finish: 31:05, 268th place. Average: 10:02.

Nice job Bhavana! Congratulations on your first 5k! There is a big difference between 2 miles and 3.1, but you handled it very well. Every time I saw you during the race you looked calm and in control. And it was great to hear your hip did not bother you during the race! Only afterwards when you were sprinting around the course cheering on the varsity races. Keep up the hard work! 

Orlo - One mile: 6:25. Two mile: 12:50. Finish: 19:30, 178th place. Average: 6:17.

That was awesome Orlo! You ran that race perfectly, using the long downhills (which are definitely your forte) to build speed and cover ground. In fact, after running even splits for the first two miles, you casually dropped a 6:03 pace for the final 1.1, which is a serious increase in speed! All that culminated in a 19:30, which is almost a minute faster than you finished the season last year (let alone at Twilight). The Slim Reaper strikes again!

Finn S - One mile: 6:41. Two mile: 13:17. Finish: 20:48, 234th place. Average: 6:43.

Way to go Finn! That was a huge race, with a lot of competitors, and you still stayed internal, running in your first ever 5k! Congratulations! You were very consistent throughout the race, with your opening mile and your final 1.1 right around your average. Your second mile was actually the fastest portion of the race, which is amazing! I think now that you've run a 5k you'll have a better idea of your own pacing and how to hold back and push at the right times. You're doing awesome! It looks like we missed a photo of you. Sorry about that! We'll get one next weekend for sure.

Finn D - One mile: 7:49. Two mile: 16:03. Finish: 24:58, 467th place. Average: 8:03.

Great job Finn! Let's start with this - you were almost 5 minutes faster this year than at Twilight last year. That's a serious improvement, showing you know how to run these 5ks now. Your first mile was fast, and that likely set you back for the second mile. It's hard to know how to pace when everyone gets off the line quickly. But once you settled in, you were super smooth and consistent, which was a lot of fun to see. Way to work hard all the time!

Luke - One mile: 6:51. Two mile: 13:38. Finish: 21:13, 272nd place. Average: 6:51.

Great running Luke! First off, that 5k looked a lot better than at Okanogan. You were more in control of your race, staying calm and pushing at the right moments, including the long descent where you can really stride out. Plus, your second mile was faster than your opener, which means you did a good job of conserving your energy for the middle of the race. All of that led you to a PR of almost 1:30! The more you run this distance, the more comfortable you will get with your racing. I can't wait to see what you can do this year!

Crispin - One mile: 6:51. Two mile: 13:38. Finish: 20:52, 230th place. Average: 6:44.

Nice job Crispin! You went out at a solid pace and managed to get faster through the second mile. Then, you managed to get faster still through the final 1.1 miles, each split clocking in faster than the previous. You successfully completed the negative split race, which is not easy to do! And it led you to a nice PR of about 15 seconds, which is nothing to sneeze at. You now have three 5ks under your belt, and the more comfortable you get the more you will know how to push yourself, which I think should be in the first mile. I'm really excited to see you keep improving!

Ingrid - One mile: 7:06. Two mile: 14:18. Finish: 22:10, 84th place. Average: 7:09.

Congrats Ingrid on your shiny new PR! Almost a minute and a half faster than last year at Twilight! You looked confident and in control during the crazy first mile then you worked with Alida through the tough, uphill second mile. I know your hip started bothering you on the long downhill during the final mile but you dug deep and finished strong! Wow - you proved again how tough you are. Just think how fast you will be able to run when you don’t have to push through pain. Keep up the PT exercises and hopefully you will be back to pain-free racing soon! 

Tristan - One mile: 5:53. Two mile: 12:05. Finish: 18:57, 156th place. Average: 6:07.

Great run Tristan! You're one of those assassin types, quietly whittling away at your PR and turning in very solid races each time without much fanfare. I mean, look at where your PR was at the beginning of the season, and look at how much time we have left to keep seeing those numbers drop! Those hills are definitely tough, and I think you lost a bit of connection with Brodi in the middle mile, but you still found a way to push through the final 800 to the finish. I think this weekend you'll be able to stick with Brodi through the second mile then find that next gear. Keep doing what you do!

River - One mile: 5:45. Two mile: 11:53. Finish: 18:48, 144th place. Average: 6:04.

Congratulations on your first Varsity 5k race! And wow, what a race it was! You went out very fast - at about 18:00 pace - which meant you were more tired for the second mile. Even so, you didn't slow down all that much for the middle mile despite the hills and a significant side cramp. Then, even though you weren't feeling your best, you dug in with 800 to go, making a big move. Then, you found a way to do that again with 400 to go, showing your strength and speed. A more conservative start will probably save you 10-15 seconds right now, which is a huge amount. Keep up the good work!

Nina - One mile: 7:35. Two mile: 15:26. Finish: 23:46, 136th place. Average: 7:40.

Great job Nina! I know it’s not the race you wanted but it was a great effort after what sounds like a stressful and tiring week. The first mile was crazy with over 200 people in the race but you looked smooth. Even though you slowed down in the second mile, your first and last mile were basically the same pace! You have been working hard week after week and you will see it come together soon. We just might need to put you in a bubble the rest of the season to keep you healthy. This weekend I think you should go out with Ava and the two of you can work together to go after that sub-23. 

Brodi - One mile: 5:53. Two mile: 11:50. Finish: 18:24, 120th place. Average: 5:56.

Wow! Brodi, you put together a phenomenal race. Going out in 5:53 is fast, and then you followed it up with a 5:57. That's easily your most consistent first two miles of the year (and that includes Sehome). Also, just for the record, your average pace at Twilight was faster than your opening mile at Sehome, so that's amazing! You did a great job staying strong through the hills on the second mile, then opened it up down the descent. You definitely have more room to grow, and I am excited to see what you can do!

Elliot - One mile: 8:27. Two mile: 17:43. Finish: 27:28, 510th place. Average: 8:52.

Nice run Elliot! You got out pretty fast, which likely made that middle mile harder to get through. But you didn't let that stop you. You found a way to push yourself through the toughest parts of the race, maintaining your speed and finishing strong down the stretch. I think a slightly more conservative opening mile - somewhere in the 8:40 range, will really help you out, saving you lots of time in the later stages of the race. Great job! 

Dexter - One mile: 4:43. Two mile: 9:45. Finish: 15:21, 2nd place. Average: 4:57.

What a race! You got out fast, then backed it up with what was easily your fastest second mile of the year (including Sehome). That's really impressive, considering the second mile is definitely the most challenging mile of that course. You did a great job staying connected, even as your competitor made moves to pull away. Every time you stayed calm and started reeling him in all the way down the stretch. It was really great to see you had such a strong finishing kick as well! It really looked like Dexter in the 1600 this past spring!

Benji - Two mile: 14:00. Average: 7:00.

Excellent run Benji! While we don't have mile splits for you, your two mile split is awesome! In fact, quite a bit faster than your pace for most of last year, which means you're off to a really good season of 5k running! We'll be able to extend your runs out as we progress through the final few weeks of the season, and I'm very glad you decided to run this year. Also, thank you for taking pictures! It's something I always need help with. Looks like we missed getting a photo of you though. Sorry about that!

Sisu - One mile: 7:40. Two mile: 15:39. Finish: 25:23, 172nd place. Average: 8:11.

Nice job Sisu! I’m sorry to hear your chest hurt and you couldn’t breath the whole last mile. But, you did a great job hanging in there and still running an awesome race! Your first two miles were pretty consistent so I think without the difficult last mile you would have run under the 25-minute mark. Hopefully your chest pain doesn’t happen again but if it does try taking a few slow, deep breaths through your nose to see if that helps. Stay positive and let’s see what happens this weekend! 

Liam - One mile: 6:25. Two mile: 12:37. Finish: 19:39, 193rd place. Average: 6:20.

Excellent run Liam! Let's take a moment to appreciate that you broke 20:00, and not just by a little. You absolutely smashed it! The first mile was definitely your slowest mile, as you powered up the hills to the two mile, keeping a strong pace for yourself and Orlo. It was great to see you leading the charge up the long climbs. Then, even though you were tired, you dug deep and found an extra gear with 800m to go, finding that last little burst of speed to keep going up and around. So fun to watch!

Madie - One mile: 8:17. Two mile: 17:17. Finish: 26:53, 184th place. Average: 8:40.

Well done Madie! Congratulations on your first 5k! We talked about taking quick, short steps to help your knees and I saw you really focusing on that all race. You slowed down a bit during the second mile which is understandable given all the hills and you mentioned your knees started bothering you. But, what was great is you locked back in and sped up during the final mile! And you got an extra speed workout in after your race - running around with us to cheer everyone on during the varsity races

For the record, Sandra was also here, but I don't seem to have a photo...