Sunday, March 21, 2021

JRH Meet @ Omak 3/20/2021

Distance: 1.5 miles

General Notes – The course is very flat and runs mostly on pavement or hard-packed dirt. The weather was nice, if perhaps a bit chilly. This course was very fast: everyone had their best pace of the season so far. Racing in the morning is something we have not done since the fall, so I thought everyone did a great job of being ready to go as soon as we arrived!

The girls’ team won, with a score of 18 points. 2nd place went to Manson with 37. There were 21 athletes in the race.

The boys’ team did not have enough runners to count as a scoring team. There were 23 athletes in the race.


Bodie – 8:40, 1st place. Average pace: 5:46. 1-mile split: 6:00.

Congratulations! You really got off to a fast start, which meant you ran most of the race in the lead, with a competitor right behind you. That is a very difficult position to be in, but you stayed strong the whole way!  After the mile mark, you powered up the hill, then held on just enough until it was time for your kick. When you did start your kick, that was game over. Way to run with everything you had!

Tristan – 9:24, 5th place. Average pace: 6:16. 1-mile split: 6:22.

It looked like you possibly got out a bit fast and you managed to hold on and have a great race! For perspective, this is your same time last year from our final race of the season, which is fantastic! It was great to see you find the inner drive to keep pushing, even though this was our second race this week. Despite going out fast, you managed to pick it up and drop your average pace after the mile, which shows just how hard you worked. Great job!


Marit – 9:50, 1st place. Average pace: 6:33. 1-mile split: 6:31.

Congratulations on your first cross country race! You got off to a strong start and then settled into a very smooth pace. Your opening mile was a bit faster than your overall pace, and that’s ok. It’s very difficult to maintain speed when you run by yourself for most of the race. Way to drive up the hill and finish strong!

Nella – 10:08, 2
nd place. Average pace: 6:45. 1-mile split: 6:49.

Once again, you looked super smooth the entire way through the course. You started running with Samra, but then ran a large portion of the race by yourself, with your eyes forward towards Marit. You maybe dropped off a little bit in the middle, but that’s ok. In the last half mile, you really picked it up and managed to bring your average pace below your mile split, which is awesome!


Samra – 10:18, 3rd place. Average pace: 6:52. 1-mile split: 6:53.

Talk about consistency! Your average pace was basically spot on your mile split. That means you maintained your speed the whole way through, even up the hill onto the levee. Great job on working with Nella towards the end, even though you got a bit separated earlier in the race. Overall, you look poised and ready to race!


Zoe – 11:57, 7th place. Average pace: 7:58. 1-mile split: 8:18.

First off, look at that time! You were only 23 seconds off your PR, which was at our final meet last year. And this is after only 3 weeks of training! Not to mention, you ran a good portion of this race by yourself, which means you had to internally find the drive to keep pushing. You really picked it up to close out the race and dropped your average down substantially. Then, you dug in and kicked all the way through the line!


Greta – 13:55, 16th place. Average pace: 9:16. 1-mile split: 9:20.

Wow! You had a phenomenal race! You’ve been putting in a lot of hard work, and it’s starting to pay off. From the Oroville meet, you managed to drop 1:16 off your average pace on a longer course! And to top it all off, it looked like you were having fun. Your average pace was a bit faster than your mile split, which means you picked it up over the last half mile into the finish. Way to hang tough and keep moving forward!


Layla –

I know you’re disappointed with how the day went, and that’s ok. That shows how much you care. Now, we get to look forward to our last race of the year and do everything we can to prepare. I know you’re going to have a fantastic race!


Some other pictures